In this year’s blog series, we present the writings of Hivpoint’s Health Buddies 2024 in which they reflect on their own journey in promoting sexual health. Health Buddies spread knowledge about sexual rights and sexual health including HIV and other STIs in migrant and refugee communities. Let us present to you our wonderful Health Buddy Ali Raza Khan.
I am Ali Raza Khan, an HIV positive gay activist from Pakistan and a refugee in Finland. In Pakistan, working for gay rights and HIV awareness comes with significant risks.
As an activist and the founder of, I faced constant threats and discrimination with increasing conservative societal norms and legal challenges. It was dangerous to advocate openly for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of gay men.
If you are an HIV positive refugee in Finland, it’s important that you have access to essential healthcare and support services. I have written down some key points to help you navigate through possible challenges you might face.
My journey from Pakistan to Finland was not easy but Hivpoint’s Health Buddy program helped me to continue working for HIV positive community members in Finland. That is why I created this little guide based on my experience for HIV positive refugees in Finland.
1. Disclosure of HIV Status to Authorities
As a refugee, you should disclose your HIV status at your first interaction with authorities even though you might feel afraid because of discrimination or stigma.
It is essential to tell about your HIV status so your treatment will continue or it will be started as soon as possible.
I have learned that when you talk about HIV status at one immigration camp, the information is not shared to other staff members. That is why you have to tell about your HIV status in each new camp.
2. Get Connected to Hivpoint and Positiiviset ry HivFinland
People living with HIV do not have to deal only with HIV but also with societal and internal stigma. Therefore, it is vital to tell the authorities and your nurse if you have psychological needs.
Hivpoint and Positiiviset both have regular activities and program for people living with HIV. There you can meet with other HIV positive individuals to discuss everyday things. I find peer support very helpful during my process.
As an HIV positive individual, I always wanted to discuss HIV related issues with other people living with HIV. Peer support has helped me dealing with internal and societal stigma.

3. Getting tested for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
Even if your HIV is undetectable, you can still get other STIs when having sex. Ask your nurse or doctor to get tested for STIs. It would be good to get tested if you’ve had unprotected sex (sex without condom or dental dam) or condom has broken.
You could get tested for STIs at Hivpoint’s free and confidential STI testing services. In addition, Pro-tukipiste offers services for those who are selling sexual services.
Here you can read more about medical care of refugees and asylum-seekers in Finland.
4. Other Health and Legal needs
Apart from getting essential health and HIV services on time, you might also have some other needs. You can get help from Hivpoint and other associations.
Hivpoint is offering counselling and leisure activities for people living with HIV, and those can keep you to engage in healthy way on ground. In addition, you can participate in Positiiviset gatherings and activities for HIV positive people.
Who to contact?
You can join Pride Helsinki community’s closed refugee support groups. There you will get connected to other queer refugees in Finland and participate in queer and LGBTQI+ events.
If you do not have legal representative for your refugee hearing, you can contact The Finnish Refugee Advice Centre (Pakolaisneuvonta) for legal matters.
If you are selling sexual services and you would like to have support or health services, you can contact Pro-tukipiste
Get help from here >> Help for Victims of Human Trafficking, if you are a victim of human trafficking.
It is crucial for your physical and mental health to continue your HIV treatment without a gap. In addition, it would be good for you to participate in association activities. It will help your mental health during the long process of your refugee hearings.
Whether you are in a big city or in distant area it is essential to contact with Hivpoint and other associations. You could do it online or face to face. If you came to Finland alone, you don’t have to be alone anymore.
Via these platforms mentioned above you can find similar people who can understand you. I recommend that you never hesitate to contact and get help from Hivpoint.
Ali visiting Hivpoint´s office at Kalasatama 2024.
Ali Raza Khan
The writer is one of Hivpoint’s Health Buddies 2024
The orginal article is posted on website, read more on their website here:
or on their social media facebook here
and instagram here
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