I try to not think about when it happened from where it happened. Because whenever I think about that I am clueless and confused. Either it infected me a month ago, 3 months ago or 3 years ago. Either from some infected equipment or unprotected contact.
What now I just think about is to keep my self healthy to fight this bug. I try not to deviate from my dreams, career and plans about future. As it will be more confused situation for me. I’m keeping my daily routine as it was before I came to know about HIV infection. I’m very much successful and hopping to to succeed in this fight between my future plans and this bug. I won’t say it’s a complete normal life as it was before as it affected my life for now to small extent.
The above text is my story but had to cover it as friend because of the fear of stigma and discrimination in Pakistan back in 2019
Read it on my Medium blog site Here
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